News Article

Predicting toxic effects of chemicals

Computational method developed to predict toxic effects of everyday chemicals in human individuals and populations; crowd-sourced study integrates findings from many different laboratories to build more robust model

Events 2017 Workshop

Scientific challenges in the risk assessment of food contact materials

The 2017 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) workshop featured high profile speakers and provided an ideal platform for engaging in inspiring discussions with different stakeholders. The FPF workshop is a unique event in the food contact materials (FCMs) world to get up to speed on recent developments in science, business, advocacy, and regulation. As in previous years, the 5th FPF workshop was also an excellent opportunity for networking. As a novelty, the FPF provided access to a live webcast of […]

News Article

FPF comment: Canadian pollution prevention notice for plastic food packaging

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on the development of a pollution prevention planning notice for food plastic packaging; FPF highlights aspects of chemical safety and circularity for ECCC to consider; primarily (i) chemical migration, (ii) supporting safe reuse, and (iii) standards for compostable materials