Events 2018 Workshop

Predicting the safety of food contact articles: New science and digital opportunities

The 2018 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop featured high profile speakers and offered an ideal platform for exchanging views with different stakeholders in the field of food contact materials (FCMs). The FPF Workshop is a one-of-a-kind event in the FCMs world to learn about recent developments in science, business, advocacy, and regulation. As in previous years, the 6th edition of the FPF Workshop also presented an excellent opportunity for networking. If you have any questions regarding the FPF Workshop, […]

Publication Peer-reviewed papers

The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry

Taha H.M., Aalizadeh R., Alygizakis N., Antignac J.P., Arp H.P.H., Bade R., Baker N., Belova L., Bijlsma L., Bolton E.E., Brack W., Celma A., Chen W.L., Cheng T.J., Chirsir P., Cirka L., D'Agostino L.A., Feunang Y.D., Dulio V., Fischer S., Gago-Ferrero P., Galani A., Geueke B., Glowacka N., Gluge J., Groh K., Grosse S., Haglund P., Hakkinen P.J., Hale S.E., Hernandez F., Janssen E.M.L., Jonkers T., Kiefer K., Kirchner M., Koschorreck J., Krauss M., Krier J., Lamoree M.H., Letzel M., Letzel T., Li Q.L., Little J., Liu Y.N., Lunderberg D.M., Martin J.W., McEachran A.D., McLean J.A., Meier C., Meijer J., Menger F., Merino C., Muncke J., Muschket M., Neumann M., Neveu V., Ng K., Oberacher H., O'Brien J., Oswald P., Oswaldova M., Picache J.A., Postigo C., Ramirez N., Reemtsma T., Renaud J., Rostkowski P., Rudel H., Salek R.M., Samanipour S., Scheringer M., Schliebner I., Schulz W., Schulze T., Sengl M., Shoemaker B.A., Sims K., Singer H., Singh R.R., Sumarah M., Thiessen P.A., Thomas K.V., Torres S., Trier X., van Wezel A.P., Vermeulen R.C.H., Vlaanderen J.J., von der Ohe P.C., Wang Z.Y., Williams A.J., Willighagen E.L., Wishart D.S., Zhang J., Thomaidis N.S., Hollender J., Slobodnik J., and Schymanski E.L.
2022, Environmental Sciences Europe
Events 2015 Workshop

Food packaging and chemical safety: What does the future hold?

The Food Packaging Forum’s third annual workshop took a look at scientific trends and expected developments in the area of food contact materials and chemical safety. Participants and speakers from regulatory authorities, industry, and academia, as well as from public interest groups, gathered to discuss the issue of chemical migration from food contact materials and impact on health. We addressed today’s perspectives, looked at historical developments in analytical chemistry and chemical risk assessment, and shared insights on scientific challenges and […]

News Article

ASEAN member actions on plastic and chemical pollution

Nations in Southeast Asia collectively working on reducing plastic pollution and related chemical hazards; Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signs off on project to “combat” marine plastic; Thailand plans ban on plastic scrap imports; new research available on sources of plastic pollution in Indonesia and Vietnam; Vietnam and Singapore implementing stricter chemical regulations; extended producer responsibility for plastic waste becomes law in Philippines