Calendar of Upcoming Events

Upcoming events including conferences, workshops, meetings, and trainings related to food packaging and health.

News Article

Chemical migration from silicone baking materials

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) finds that chemicals of concern migrate from silicone baking molds sold in Europe, including three siloxanes classified as SVHCs; 23% of 44 products tested release chemical constituents in high (>30 mg/kg) or increasing amounts over time; BEUC calls for stricter EU rules for silicone food contact materials

News Article

Spain passes comprehensive waste reduction regulation, eases the way for reuse

New Spanish waste law includes extensive waste reduction measures and targets across the entire supply chain; bans bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates in food packaging; mandates food providers offer tap water for free and accept reusable containers if customers bring them; 20% of floor space in large grocery stores must be for food without packaging; establishes extended producer responsibility scheme and bottle-to-bottle recycling program

Events 2015 Workshop

Food packaging and chemical safety: What does the future hold?

The Food Packaging Forum’s third annual workshop took a look at scientific trends and expected developments in the area of food contact materials and chemical safety. Participants and speakers from regulatory authorities, industry, and academia, as well as from public interest groups, gathered to discuss the issue of chemical migration from food contact materials and impact on health. We addressed today’s perspectives, looked at historical developments in analytical chemistry and chemical risk assessment, and shared insights on scientific challenges and […]

News Article

Canada Plastics Pact develops packaging design rules

Canada Plastics Pact publishes nine golden design rules for plastic packaging manufacturers; include using a single material per package, avoiding polyvinyl chloride (PVC), reducing headspace , and switching to reuse systems; more than 30 Canadian companies have already signed onto 50% or more of the rules

News Article

EPR regulations expanded in Canada and US

Canadian province of Ontario expands extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme for paper packaging from covering half of recycling cost to full cost by 2023; adds single-use food packaging to program; legislatures in US states of Maine and Oregon pass EPR legislation that includes food packaging; governors of both states need to sign for bills to become law

News Article

Canada mandates reporting on use of BPA and alternatives

Department of the Environment now requiring reporting from all manufacturers, importers, and users of bisphenol A (BPA) and over 180 alternative substances during the year 2019; includes commercial status, downstream uses; March 16, 2022 set as deadline for data submission