News Article

BPA in recycled PET

Scientists detect high levels of bisphenol A in recycled polyethylene terephthalate, suggest monitoring BPA in rPET necessary to support ‘BPA-free’ claims

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Changes to REACH authorization process

European Chemicals Agency announces planned changes to the authorization process for chemicals under REACH; to require submission of substitution plans, revision of format for scientific committee opinions, standardize opinion texts

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Workshop on synergies between REACH and EU FCM laws

CHEM Trust organizes workshop in Brussels with EU governments and regulatory experts; discusses roles REACH data could have to support FCM safety, challenges of chemicals in non-harmonized FCMs; presentations and detailed minutes published to support ongoing discussions

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EFSA phthalates working group: 8th meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on phthalates supports EFSA webinar on the risk assessment of phthalates used in plastic food contact materials; webinar now available to watch online