News Article

EPR regulations expanded in Canada and US

Canadian province of Ontario expands extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme for paper packaging from covering half of recycling cost to full cost by 2023; adds single-use food packaging to program; legislatures in US states of Maine and Oregon pass EPR legislation that includes food packaging; governors of both states need to sign for bills to become law

News Article

Measuring trade-offs between packaging waste and food waste

Australian Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Center surveys consumer perceptions of packaging’s role in encouraging or preventing food waste; United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) breaks down results from 33 life cycle analyses comparing packaging and food waste; makes structured recommendations for when packaging or food waste costs are higher based on food type, consumer and regulatory support, and strength of local waste management systems

News Article

Studies highlight presence of antioxidants in Chinese food contact materials

Recent studies explore the presence and migration of diverse synthetic antioxidants in Chinese food contact materials (FCMs); both phosphite antioxidants and synthetic phenolic antioxidants are commonly found; typically, FCMs contain several mg of synthetic antioxidants per kg FCM and may be the primary source of exposure to synthetic antioxidants; some commonly found antioxidants are suspected endocrine disruptors

Events Presentation

Plastic Health Summit 2019

Jane Muncke from the Food Packaging Forum presents on the chemicals that can be present in plastic food packaging and highlights the unknowns surrounding non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)

News Article

FPF Workshop 2019: Proceedings online

7th annual Food Packaging Forum workshop focuses on accelerating science and innovation to improve the safety of food contact articles; video recordings, presentation slides, summary articles now available online