News Article

McDonald’s to trial new packaging

Two Canadian concept restaurant locations to trial new packaging including fully re-pulpable cups, fiber lids, wooden cutlery, paper straws; items could be rolled out widely in the future

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Nanoparticles released by quasi-ceramic pans

Scientists measure release of titanium dioxide particles from non-stick surfaces of quasi-ceramic frying pans; find considerable migration of both ions and particles, partially in nanoform; acidic simulants and scratching accelerate migration

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Chinese government and industry work on FCM regulation

China amending the national food contact material (FCM) regulation for the first time since 2016; amendments would expand use of previously approved food contact chemicals (FCCs) and food additives; redefines FCM to clarify that packaging material must contact the food item; industry association issues draft guidance; regulatory agencies approve or in process of approving multiple new FCCs