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EFSA working group updates in November 2020 to March 2021

Minutes from recent meetings of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) CEP panel and working groups on bisphenol A (BPA), food contact materials (FCMs), recycling plastics, and phthalates published; groups continue discussions and revisions of draft opinions; new working group on re-evaluation of phthalates and structurally similar substances in FCMs launched

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Japan publishes draft evaluation procedures

Proposed evaluation procedures of food contact substances in Japan opened for public comment; efforts continue towards creation of positive list of substances, set to come into force in June 2020

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Cost of environmental hazards

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences develops database with over 70 environmental health studies including economic analyses; new tool to help researchers consider costs of environmental exposures in studies

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ECHA to prioritize REACH enforcement

European Chemicals Agency asks national enforcement agencies to prioritize enforcement of REACH evaluation decisions; proposes to review all dossier hazard data for substances above 1 metric ton by 2027