News Article

Micro- and nanoplastics are released from different food contact articles

Researchers report cooking in non-stick Teflon cookware may lead to the release of thousands of micro- and nanoplastics; find 3 to 43 plastic particles prone to be released from Chinese polypropylene takeaway containers; detect around 1,500 microplastics/liter in Iranian bottled water; review points out that micro- and nanoplastic detection methods in food need validation and standardization

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BFFP: 13 key investments to combat plastic pollution

Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) recommends 13 key investments for US federal action; includes funding for multi re-use facility infrastructure, Environmental Protection Agency , research, government, and educational institutions; discourages further investments in chemical recycling, waste-to-energy/fuel technologies, carbon sequestration, downcycling, production, distribution and export of plastics

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Consumers want safe BPA-free coatings

New York Times reports on BPA replacements for can coatings, why alternatives are not readily available and ongoing scientific dispute about BPA’s safety

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Taiwan to identify chemicals of concern

Taiwanese Environmental Protection Agency developing screening and assessment standards for identification of substances with food safety concerns, high hazard levels, high production volumes; draft list to be released by end of 2019