News Article

Report on improving management of UK packaging waste

Researchers investigate current waste management system, identify long-term waste management contracts with local authorities as limiting improvements and innovation; recommend better distribution of value across system using extended producer responsibility, deposit schemes

News Article

New FPF study and database: Food contact chemicals in humans

New research from the Food Packaging Forum looks at food contact chemicals (FCCs) that have been detected in humans; compares known FCCs with human biomonitoring programs, metabolome/exposome databases and the scientific literature; 3,601 FCCs have evidence of presence in humans, including chemicals with hazardous properties; comes with interactive dashboard to browse all data

News Article

Microplastics in humans: current knowledge and potential implications

Review summarizes microplastics abundance and characteristics in human biological samples including current research approaches employed, challenges, and prospects; study indicates microplastics impact human meconium and placenta microbiota; review outlines current evidence on microplastic effects upon exposure during early developmental stage

News Article

Scientists propose basis for managing PFAS as single class

International group of scientists publish peer-reviewed article presenting arguments for managing all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as a single chemical class; recommend allowing only essential uses, applying class-based approach for clean up efforts, setting exposure limits for all PFASs instead of for individual chemicals