News Article

JRC Symposium compares microplastic analysis methods

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) symposium summarizes current approaches for microplastic monitoring; research institutions present results of 4 inter-laboratory microplastic analysis comparison studies; no ‘one-size-fits-all’ analytical method, presenters emphasize need for harmonization; Commission outlines policy needs

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Game launched to inform about impacts of food choices

The Lexicon develops online game to bring awareness about personal food choices on health, environment, and culture; supporting resource articles provide insights from experts into developing sustainable diets, dietary guidelines, and making choices about the food we eat

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Studies examine phthalate migration from PVC films and adhesives

Recent articles in scientific journals analyze plastic packaging and adhesive materials used in contact with food for phthalate content and migration; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling films and adhesive labels are source of phthalate contamination to food; food characteristics, e.g., structure of fruit peel, lipid content, influence migration level; recommend avoiding direct food contact to labels, minimizing exposure time

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U.S. state lawmakers focus on developing PFAS legislation

Analysis from Safer States finds 29 U.S. states currently considering over 180 chemicals policies; focus placed largely on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with 13 states specifically considering restrictions on PFAS in food packaging; Wisconsin opens online survey for PFAS Action Council until February 21, 2020