News Article

Microplastic exposure through drinking cups and human health impacts

Study finds up to 6000 particles/L to be released from disposable drinking cups; scientists estimate humans ingest 37,613–89,294 microplastics through plastic cups use per year; study suggests consumption from plastic containers changes human gut and oral microbiota composition; review concludes that uptake of microplastics carrying pathogens may impact human health

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Second study finds microplastics in human placenta

Clinical study investigates 10 microplastic types in human placenta and meconium; detects polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyurethane in the samples; highlights that evaluation and control of potential contamination is crucial

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UBA measures plasticizers in German rivers

Study by German Environment Agency (UBA) scientists reports concentration of 23 plasticizers in major German river basins, finds significant increases of di(2-propylheptyl) phthalate (DPHP), voices concern that total environmental burden from plasticizers has not changed since mid-2000s

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Report outlines how plastic production harms human health, environment, economy

Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health publishes extensive report summarizing plastics’ effects across life cycle on human health, environment, and the economy; health effects cost society hundreds of billions every year; report includes actions for “governments and industries to minimize the negative consequences of global plastic contamination”