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EEB conference 2016 report

European Environmental Bureau publishes proceedings of its 2016 annual conference; sessions addressed policy needs in circular economy and sustainability, climate and energy, and biodiversity

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Report critically reviews brands’ plastics commitments

New report by the Changing Markets Foundation investigates commitments on plastic packaging made by largest food and consumer goods companies; criticizes consistently failed promises, sees voluntary initiatives as tactics to distract from and avoid responsibility

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Several studies determine chemical migration from food packaging

Researchers from several European and Chinese institutions develop methods to explore chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs); report styrene migration from different polystyrene FCMs into several food matrices; detect photoinitiators in paper FCMs and chlorinated paraffins in green tea and its packaging; find irradiation treatment of metalized polypropylene to reduce migration of tested chemicals

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Studies detect microplastics in food and link it to packaging, processing equipment

Several articles published since the beginning of 2023 have analyzed plastic particles in packaged foods and beverages, including salt, sugar, canned fish, bottled water, soft drinks, and cold tea; draw a connection to packaging and food processing; migration studies demonstrate particle release from plastic food containers and breastmilk storage bags; review develops 10 criteria for data quality assessment and find most studies “unreliable” on one or more criteria

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FCM regulatory and waste management updates from South and Southeast Asia

Malaysia proposes revision of allowable uses for eleven chemicals, including seven used in food contact material (FCM) applications; Vietnam’s revised Law on Environmental Protection comes into effect, launches nationwide extended producer responsibility scheme for domestic producers and importers; Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives publishes report that chemical recycling plant in Indonesia, launched by Unilever in 2017, was “secretly shuttered” after two years; Sri Lanka proposes plastic pellets be classified as dangerous goods during maritime shipping

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Market report forecasts food packaging growth through 2025

Report by research firm Markets and Markets focuses on “eco-friendly food packaging”; expects paper and paperboard packaging to post significant growth through 2025 with Asia-Pacific region to see largest increase; growth catalyzed by stringent regulations and shift in consumer preferences

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BPA and PVC in U.S. food can coatings

New survey of food cans purchased from 4 U.S. retailers finds 33-52% to still contain bisphenol A, 17-25% contain polyvinylchloride; NGOs call on retailers and food brands to remove BPA and ensure safety of alternatives