News Article

Thailand publishes new standards for food contact plastics

Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) officially publishes standards for plastic utensils and microwaveable containers that come into contact with food; standards set migration limits for plastic food contact materials and defines how compliant packaging must be tested and marked; new standards effective January 3, 2023; improperly marked food contact articles will not be allowed on the market after the effective date

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Chronic PS nanoplastics exposure found to impact mitochondrial health, impairing cell metabolism

New study examines long-term effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics on mitochondrial health under realistic exposure conditions; repeated exposure to PS nanoplastics impaired mitochondrial function and cell differentiation process, possibly linked to metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity; other recent studies found that PS micro- and nanoplastics negatively affect immune function, pregnancy outcomes, and gut health in various models

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WHO report on microplastics in drinking water

Microplastics do not currently pose human health risk in drinking water according to World Health Organization; studies however seen as limited and often unreliable; calls for standardization of analysis methods and minimization of plastic pollution

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India plans ban on single-use plastic items

Government authority publishes draft ban set to come into force in three phases; would ban import, manufacture, and sale of plastic candy and ice cream sticks after January 1, 2022; expands ban to include plates, cups, cutlery, trays, certain wrapping films after July 1, 2022; proposal open for public comment until May 2021