Events 2019 Workshop

Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Accelerating science and innovation

About the 2019 Workshop The 2019 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place on October 24, 2019 under the theme “Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Accelerating science and innovation.” The event featured high profile speakers and offered an international platform for exchanging views and ideas with stakeholders across the field of food contact materials (FCMs). The FPF Workshop is a one-of-a-kind annual event in the field of FCMs to learn about recent developments in science, business, advocacy, […]

News Article

FPF Workshop 2020: Values and transparency in science

Kevin Elliott discusses how values can influence scientific judgements or be themselves affected by them; transparency plays an important role in responding to challenges caused by value-laden judgements; contents and venues chosen for transparent communication need to be adjusted according to each stakeholder’s needs

News Article

Review assesses 20 years of food safety research

Integrative review analyzes recent scientific advances in food and environmental safety; scientometric analysis reveals increasing multidisciplinary interest between 2001 and 2020; finds contaminants and environmentally friendly food packaging as emerging research topics in the field of food safety

News Article

Studies examine bio-based active packaging and drivers to mitigate pollution

Literature review explores opportunities of bio-based active materials in food packaging applications and the circular economy; demonstrates high research interest in the topic over last 20 years; finds agro-industrial waste as promising, renewable, and environmentally friendly resource for bio-based materials; study finds circular economy to be the focus of perspective articles to mitigate plastic pollution but mismatch with psychosocial research

Events 2016 Workshop

Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy

The 2016 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) workshop took a closer look at “Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy.” Our fourth workshop followed the unique concept of previous FPF workshops in its cross-thematic, cross-stakeholder approach. We brought together experts from different perspectives and backgrounds—from academic scientist to business decision maker, from regulator to retailer, from consumer advocate to food manufacturer. FPF workshops are one of a kind, because we create the optimal environment for […]