News Article

Canada paves way for future regulations on plastics

Government lists plastic products in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) as “toxic”; legal step required in order to move forward with new regulation, product restrictions; will support government in implementing national plastic plans

News Article

BPA still in food cans

Extensive analysis in the U.S. and Canada finds most food cans still coated with BPA-based epoxy; BPA-free alternatives may be questionable

Resources Research Projects

FCCH Project

Research project Food Contact Chemicals & Human Health Project The Food Packaging Forum is systematically investigating the use and hazards of food contact chemicals, their migration into foods, presence in humans, and associated health effects Mapping the Evidence on FCCs Food packaging and other food contact articles are a source of human exposure to chemicals. This is because many of the food contact chemicals (FCCs) that are present in food contact materials (FCMs) are not tightly bound within the material’s […]

News Article

France to restrict sale of fruits and vegetables in plastic

France announces ban on sale of unprocessed fruits and vegetables packaged in plastic from January 1, 2022; will not apply to products over 1.5 kg, sensitive fruits, and vegetables; use of stickers on individual fruits and vegetables not allowed unless made from paper or compostable materials; rules to apply to all produce

News Article

Efforts to track plastic flows in EU and Canada

EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes improved model of plastic product flows and recycling in the EU; new model design is easy to update when new information becomes publicly available; Canada consulting on a draft plastic products registry to track plastic flows in the country