News Article

Microplastics detected in human testis and semen

Scientists assess microplastics in 30 human semen and 6 testis samples; first to demonstrate presence in human male reproductive system; review finds 9 out of 11 studies demonstrate that plastic particles can translocated across placental barrier

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Measuring plastic particles released from food packaging and in human lungs

Scientists investigate plastic particles released from store-bought food packaging as well as human and mice health impacts of exposure; report single-use plastic products release >1012 nano-sized particles during use; find microplastics to suppress lysosomal activity in mouse macrophages; first detection of microplastics within human lung tissue samples; in vitro neurotoxicity study finds microplastics negatively impact human forebrain organoid development

FCChumon Database

Database FCChumon database A systematic evidence map to explore food contact chemicals measured in humans Jump to dashboard About FCChumon Humans are exposed to food contact chemicals (FCCs) that migrate from food packaging and other food contact article into the food. Studies show that over 4000 FCCs have been measured in migrates or extracts of food contact materials (FCMs), and more than 12,000 chemicals have been reported globally to be intentionally used across all types of FCMs. However, no previous […]

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EDCs and manufacturing doubt

Prominent EDC researchers publish rebuttal to critique of WHO/UNEP State of the Science 2012 report, accuse industry-funded scientists to deliberately confuse non-experts to delay regulatory action

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FPF Workshop 2020: FPF year in review

Martin Scheringer reviews the Food Packaging Forum’s work in 2020; discusses scientific consensus statement on food contact chemicals (FCCs) and health, ongoing projects aiming to understand contribution of FCC exposure to chronic diseases of public health concern