News Article

EU committee rejects increasing lead limits in recycled PVC

Environment Committee of EU Parliament rejects EU Commission’s proposal to allow up to 2% lead by weight in recycled polyvinylchloride (PVC); see increased levels as unsafe and unnecessary given available PVC alternatives, argue recycling should not justify continued use of hazardous substances

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EFSA assesses 2 food contact substances

EFSA’s CEF Panel considers selenium nanoparticles and isobutane safe for use in plastic food contact materials under certain conditions

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Controversy over DINCH

McGill University study shows exposure of pregnant rats to DINCH results in liver metabolism impairment and ‘testicular atrophy’ in the male progeny; BASF scientists depict study as ‘flawed,’ maintain that DINCH is safe for use in food contact applications

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Microplastics impacts on the reproductive system and offspring

Scientists report human-relevant polystyrene (PS) microplastic concentrations change mice placental metabolism; show nanoplastics have variable effects on placental enzymes using simulations; find pre- and postnatal PS microplastic exposure affects male mice testis development and fertility; recommend future research to analyze multigenerational effects

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JRC Symposium compares microplastic analysis methods

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) symposium summarizes current approaches for microplastic monitoring; research institutions present results of 4 inter-laboratory microplastic analysis comparison studies; no ‘one-size-fits-all’ analytical method, presenters emphasize need for harmonization; Commission outlines policy needs