News Article

CEPI call for EU paper and board FCM measures

Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) sees potential disadvantage for paper and board food contact materials (FCMs) from lack of harmonized legislation, calls for EU institutions to prioritize material type for legislation development

News Article

Massive review highlights health risks of plastic-associated chemicals

Umbrella review analyzes 52 systematic reviews and 759 meta-analyses on plastic-associated chemicals and human health; bisphenols, phthalates, flame retardants, and PFAS were linked to adverse health effects; finds ties to reproductive issues, neurodevelopmental disorders, metabolic conditions, and cancers; research gaps remain, particularly microplastics and newer chemical groups

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What knowledge is missing to derive a microplastic threshold value?

Microplastic experts review mammalian in vivo effect studies and develop non-regulatory health-based screening level value for microplastics in drinking water; scientists provide research recommendations to better understand microplastic toxicity, effect levels, and potential health risks to humans and aquatic ecosystems; review discusses nanoplastics’ role in food allergy