News Article

Recommendations for improving microplastics research

Marine biologist criticizes inconsistencies and unrealistic techniques used to study microplastic pollution; recommends avoiding nets for sampling, microscopes for counting; promotes using non-spherical microplastics and allowing time for elimination; researchers should focus on quality over quantity

News Article

MERCOSUR publishes draft silicone FCM regulation

South American trade bloc MERCOSUR is updating its standards for silicone food contact materials; includes positive lists and specific migration limits for metal salts; stakeholders can comment on the draft until May 12, 2023; Argentina and Uruguay have already notified the World Trade Organization of impending changes

News Article

Governments and stakeholders reflect on toxics in recycling

Recycling association, non-governmental organization, and European Commission comment on ways to safely minimize and manage substances of concern in recycling streams during transition to circular economy; Dutch national institute publishes report identifying challenges and recommendations, describes 2050 national goal