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EFSA stakeholder workshop on small particles and nanoparticles in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) presentations provide guidance on small particles in food and feed applications (i) evaluating the potential presence of particles in ‘conventional’ materials and (ii) how to perform nano-specific risk assessment; stakeholders share experience and discuss practices to implement guidance cost-effectively

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EFSA CEP Panel updates from October 2022 to February 2023

Minutes available from recent meetings of the working groups on food contact materials (FCMs), bisphenol A (BPA), and recycling plastics, within the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA’s) Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP Panel); no further meeting of the BPA working group planned; specific migration limit (SML) for styrene in FCMs upcoming

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EFSA seeks comments on chemical mixtures research and prioritization

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announces public consultation period concerning draft on “scientific criteria for grouping chemicals into assessment groups for human risk assessment” of chemical mixtures; particular focus on chemicals related to food and feed safety; seeking feedback from experts in chemical risk assessment, organizations and people in the field of chemicals mixtures and food safety; comment period ends July 10, 2021

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Cefic releases mid-century report and action plan

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) publishes report outlining vision for European chemical industry until 2050, launches action plan to review and improve REACH registration dossiers

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Consumer exposure to PFAS in food packaging

Silent Spring Institute publishes report investigating PFAS exposure, finds consuming home-cooked meals reduces exposure compared to restaurant consumption; U.S. state of Washington to focus on paper wraps and liners during alternatives assessment; U.S. presidential candidate pledges to label substance class as hazardous substances