News Article

Review of ingestion of microplastics

Literature review estimates 20% of sampled aquatic organisms have microplastics in stomach and intestines, average of 4 microplastic particles per organism; call for urgent standardization of analytical methods

News Article

Immunomodulatory effects of EDCs

Scientists review studies reporting that some endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can affect development and functions of human immune cells; consequences include altered responses to infections and development of immune related diseases; food contact material (FCM)-relevant immunomodulatory EDCs include bisphenols, phthalates, triclosan

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Substitution analysis for plastic packaging

Life cycle assessment study commissioned by American Chemistry Council finds packaging plastics to have more favorable environmental profile than alternatives made of glass, metal, paper, textile, wood

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Generally Recognized As Secret

Natural Resources Defense Council releases new report on GRAS self-determinations and criticizes lack of public information, calls FDA and Congress to action