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G7 charter on plastics

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and UK sign plastics charter, commit to more recycling and reuse, recovery of all plastics, reduction of single-use plastics

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Wendy's to phase out PFAS by end of 2021

Fast food chain Wendy’s will eliminate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in consumer-facing packaging in the US and Canada by the end of 2021, establish restricted substances list (RSL); faster phase-out timeline than competitor McDonald’s; public health advocates applaud fast-paced commitment, call on Burger King to take similar action

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Microplastics can lead to behavioral changes in mice

Scientists find polystyrene microplastics reduce cell viability, translocate in the body, modify mice behavior, and change their liver and brain immune markers after short-term exposure; effects potentially age-dependent; two reviews summarize nano- and microplastic impacts on fertility and potential implications