News Article

Omics in risk assessment

EFSA publishes final report on ‘omics in risk assessment’ colloquium; omics tools a ‘valuable addition’ for risk assessment but not yet to be used as a standalone tool; development and endorsement of ‘consistent reporting framework’ necessary

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FCM-relevant AOP research

Scientists explore adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) associated with bisphenols, phthalates, perchlorate, food additives, microplastics; discuss ways of using AOPs to predict chemical hazards, assess mixture toxicity

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Migration of mineral oils and DIPN from paperboard into dry foods

Swiss and Italian researchers publish new study comparing the effect of different testing and storage conditions on migration behavior of MOSH, MOAH and DIPN from paperboard into non-fatty dry foodstuffs. Observed levels of migration were in the part per million (ppm) range (mg/kg food). Migration levels were highest for egg pasta packaged in paperboard and enclosed in an outer polypropylene bag.

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Global plastic waste management and emissions

Using data from over 50,000 municipalities, with machine learning to fill gaps, global model estimates 52 million tons of plastic were released into unmanaged waste systems in 2020; report led by Arnika investigates effects of waste incineration on the environment and human health

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US FDA and EPA publish requests for information on PFAS

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks for information on the use of fluorinated polyethylene for food contact and dietary exposure due to migration; US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks responses to specific questions to help form PFAS strategic action plan; FDA comment period open until October 18, 2022, and EPA period until August 29, 2022