News Article

Walmart removes 8 chemicals of concern from products

U.S. retailer Walmart names 8 high priority chemicals its suppliers must phase out and find alternatives for; list includes among others formaldehyde, phthalates, nonylphenol exthoxylates, and parabens

News Article

Pre-consumer and recycled plastic pellets contain hazardous substances

International Pollution Elimination Network and partners publish two studies investigating toxic substances in plastic pellets; virgin plastic pellets recovered from beaches on six continents all contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and endocrine-disrupting UV stabilizers; over half of the samples of recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pellets contain at least 11 out of 18 flame retardants and UV stabilizers assessed

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Many questions surround microplastics, what about micro(bio)plastics?

Literature review of micro- and nano(bio)plastics research; scrutinizes the complexities of micro- and nano(bio)plastics degradation and their toxicological effects; highlights gaps in long-term impact studies and interactions with environmental conditions; challenges the assumption that “biodegradable” means complete degradation; calls for greater transparency in research practices to bolster collective understanding