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News Article

FPF Workshop 2019: Proceedings online

7th annual Food Packaging Forum workshop focuses on accelerating science and innovation to improve the safety of food contact articles; video recordings, presentation slides, summary articles now available online

News Article

ECHA holds online safer chemicals conference

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) online event features 14 presentations from government agencies and industry associations, retailers; covers topics under the themes of safer chemicals, tracking substances of concern, and harmonized information for poison control centers; slides and recordings available

News Article

FPF workshop program online

Program of FPF workshop on hazardous materials on 9 October 2014 online now; registration to open this week

Publication Peer-reviewed papers

The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry

Taha H.M., Aalizadeh R., Alygizakis N., Antignac J.P., Arp H.P.H., Bade R., Baker N., Belova L., Bijlsma L., Bolton E.E., Brack W., Celma A., Chen W.L., Cheng T.J., Chirsir P., Cirka L., D'Agostino L.A., Feunang Y.D., Dulio V., Fischer S., Gago-Ferrero P., Galani A., Geueke B., Glowacka N., Gluge J., Groh K., Grosse S., Haglund P., Hakkinen P.J., Hale S.E., Hernandez F., Janssen E.M.L., Jonkers T., Kiefer K., Kirchner M., Koschorreck J., Krauss M., Krier J., Lamoree M.H., Letzel M., Letzel T., Li Q.L., Little J., Liu Y.N., Lunderberg D.M., Martin J.W., McEachran A.D., McLean J.A., Meier C., Meijer J., Menger F., Merino C., Muncke J., Muschket M., Neumann M., Neveu V., Ng K., Oberacher H., O'Brien J., Oswald P., Oswaldova M., Picache J.A., Postigo C., Ramirez N., Reemtsma T., Renaud J., Rostkowski P., Rudel H., Salek R.M., Samanipour S., Scheringer M., Schliebner I., Schulz W., Schulze T., Sengl M., Shoemaker B.A., Sims K., Singer H., Singh R.R., Sumarah M., Thiessen P.A., Thomas K.V., Torres S., Trier X., van Wezel A.P., Vermeulen R.C.H., Vlaanderen J.J., von der Ohe P.C., Wang Z.Y., Williams A.J., Willighagen E.L., Wishart D.S., Zhang J., Thomaidis N.S., Hollender J., Slobodnik J., and Schymanski E.L.
2022, Environmental Sciences Europe