News Article

ChemSec evaluates largest chemical producers

Organization releases ChemScore tool that scores top 35 chemical producers based on hazardous chemicals in product portfolios, design strategies, transparency, and history of accidents and controversies; aims to inform investors and promote investment in responsible chemical companies

News Article

China revises regulation on new chemical substances

Government publishes final regulatory text, substance approval linked to persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic properties; identity of new substances to be made publicly available after maximum period of 5 years; comes into force on January 1, 2021

Events Webcast: 2018 Workshop

Predicting the safety of food contact articles: New science and digital opportunities

The 2018 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop featured high profile speakers and offered an ideal platform for exchanging views with different stakeholders in the field of food contact materials (FCMs). The FPF also provided access to a live webcast of this year’s workshop for a minimal registration fee. Participants who could not attend the workshop in person, thus still had the opportunity to follow the speaker presentations, Q&As, and the podium discussion. The FPF Workshop is a one-of-a-kind event […]

News Article

Factsheet on safety of reuse during COVID-19 pandemic

UPSTREAM publication answers seven frequently asked questions on the safety of reusable products such as packaging and food service ware; emphasizes that single-use products are not safer than reusable ones, food safety regulations ensure proper cleaning and sanitation of reusable products