News Article

EC roadmap outlines plans to reduce packaging waste

European Commission (EC) publishes roadmap document describing initiative to review and revise EU requirements on packaging and packaging waste; impact assessment set to be completed in 2020, revisions to be adopted in 2021; open for public comment until August 6, 2020

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FDA sued over GRAS program

NGO sues FDA over GRAS notification process, success would force FDA to revert back to pre-1997 rules

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South Korea implementing deposit scheme for disposable cups

South Korean Ministry of Environment announces disposable cups from chain cafes and fast-food restaurants will have 300 KRW deposit beginning June 10, 2022; applies to chains with more than 100 branches, 38,000 stores total; plan includes production standards for plastic and paper cups to ensure recyclability; part of South Korea’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal

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California: Styrene listing

State of California adds styrene to lists of known human carcinogens; polystyrene food packaging not affected by required styrene warning label