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Studies examine bio-based active packaging and drivers to mitigate pollution

Literature review explores opportunities of bio-based active materials in food packaging applications and the circular economy; demonstrates high research interest in the topic over last 20 years; finds agro-industrial waste as promising, renewable, and environmentally friendly resource for bio-based materials; study finds circular economy to be the focus of perspective articles to mitigate plastic pollution but mismatch with psychosocial research

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Phthalate DCHP proposed as SVHC

ECHA’s Member State Committee recommends adding dicyclohexyl phthalate and 3-benzylidene camphor to the list of substances of very high concern due to endocrine disrupting effects

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EU launches ToxRisk project aiming to develop more efficient and animal-free chemical safety assessment

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ECHA improves data access

ECHA structures publicly accessible data on chemicals according to lifecycle phases and availability of nanoform