News Article

Royal DSM to phase out NMP

Health and materials company plans to phase out N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) from coating resins by July 2020, promotes solvent-free waterborne resins

Events 2022 Workshop

Taking stock of the past decade: What has changed and what’s to come?

Save the date in your calendar for our next annual workshop that will take place on September 28, 2023 (both in Zurich and virtually)! To mark its 10th anniversary, the Food Packaging Forum held its 10th annual workshop on October 6, 2022, under a theme that looked back at what has changed over the past decade in the field of food packaging and health as well as at what lies ahead in the next decade to come. Featuring a diverse […]

News Article

Recycling food-grade plastics in the EU

Recycling Today reports on the challenges of supplying food-grade recycled plastics even as commitments increase; European Commission registers Citizens’ Initiative to create plastic bottle deposit and extended producer responsibility system in EU; World Wildlife Fund Germany investigates packaging system to find ways to increase circularity, encourages reuse over recycling