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Optimism for TSCA reform

Newspaper The Hill reports on awaited U.S.’ chemical safety law reform, Committee hearing shows U.S. Senators generally in favor of bill

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Mercosur updates plastic food packaging regulation

South American trade bloc to no longer allow bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic food contact articles designed for children under 3 years old, lowers migration limit from other plastic FCAs; sets migration limits for 9 metals from plastic FCAs; adds substances to positive list for plastics and for cellulosic materials

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European Council approves framework for drinking water recast

Position supports recasting EU Drinking Water Directive to consider safety of materials that come into contact with drinking water; will specify minimum hygiene requirements, create positive lists of material starting substances, compositions, and chemical constituents

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The Globe and Mail article on human microplastics exposure

Author Rick Smith describes experiment carried out on himself with University of Rochester to identify uptake of microplastics in his diet; article discusses unknowns and concerns held by scientific experts, criticizes increased plastic use during COVID-19 pandemic

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US State bans triclosan

Minnesota bans anti-bacterial chemical from most retail consumer hygiene products; triclosan also used in food packaging

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BPA absorption in the mouth

Scientists compare internal levels and metabolism of BPA after gavage or diet administration; demonstrate significant buccal absorption of BPA from solid foods