News Article

EFSA seeks data on plasticizers in food contact materials

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) calls for data on migration and occurrence of plasticizers, such as phthalates, in food contact materials (FCMs); aims to gather migration data to assess dietary exposure and enhance the safety of FCMs; national food authorities, research institutions, and food businesses are invited to submit data by August 31, 2023

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Study finds PFAS in 100% of sampled breastmilk

Environmental Science and Technology publishes study in which 100% of milk samples from breast-feeding mothers contained at least one of 39 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); Phased-out PFOS and PFOA were most abundant compounds but currently used short-chain PFAS such as PFHpA and PFHpA detected in majority of samples and becoming more common; The Guardian reports chemical companies hid risks about short-chain PFAS in food packaging

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EDF tool identifies chemicals of concern by food contact material type

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) launches web tool to help companies identify which chemicals of concern may be in their packaging or used within their supply chain; Users can search for a specific piece of packaging or equipment to find all potential hazardous chemicals, or search for a single chemical to find all the types of packaging that chemical may be used in

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Microplastic exposure through drinking cups and human health impacts

Study finds up to 6000 particles/L to be released from disposable drinking cups; scientists estimate humans ingest 37,613–89,294 microplastics through plastic cups use per year; study suggests consumption from plastic containers changes human gut and oral microbiota composition; review concludes that uptake of microplastics carrying pathogens may impact human health

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Flame retardants above regulatory limits in some ‘eco-friendly’ baking papers

Study of bio-based food contact articles made of sugarcane bagasse or cellulose wood pulp labelled “natural”, “compostable”, or “biodegradable” finds PFAS and organophosphate esters (OPEs), a type of flame retardant and plasticizer; concentrations highest in baking papers; though purchased in Italy, some OPEs above EU regulatory concentration limit of 0.01 mg/kg

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Study maps global uses of PFAS

Researchers publish peer-reviewed study identifying over 200 use categories and subcategories for more than 1,400 individual per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); finds the substances are used in almost all industry sectors and many consumer products; calls for public release of usage data