News Article

ZWE biomonitoring detects phthalates, bisphenols

Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) publishes results of analyzed urine samples from 52 European decision-makers and public figures; tests for 28 chemicals commonly used in single-use plastic food packaging, shows average of 20 detected in each person; calls for decision-makers to prioritize public exposure to food contact chemicals

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EFSA BPA re-evaluation: 6th and 7th meetings

EFSA CEP Panel publishes minutes of the 6th and 7th meetings of its Working Group on BPA safety reevaluation; experts discuss appraisal methodology and scoring schemes, identify need for additional WG members to tackle reprotoxicity and neurotoxicity assessment

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Nanomaterials in waste streams

Non-profit organizations call for better control of manufactured nanomaterials in waste streams in declaration with over 80 signatories worldwide

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UK keeps FCM legislation in no-deal Brexit

United Kingdom’s Parliament passes legislation to regulate food contact materials in case no deal is reached with the EU; copies current EU legislation with potential future trade impacts if EU laws further develop