News Article

Metals in ceramics and crystalware

EU reference laboratory for FCMs tests metal release from decorated ceramics and crystalware into wine and wine-simulants; migration of lead, cadmium and other metals detected

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Rediscovered documents on toxic chemicals

New online repository compiles previously secret U.S. regulatory agency and industry documents about hazardous substances such as pesticides, dioxins and PCBs

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Oligomers in PBT and PEN polyesters

Scientists characterize oligomers in polybutylene terephthalate and polyethylene naphthalate intended for food contact; oligomer migration from PBT considered safe based on threshold of toxicological concern considerations

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Report advocates for improving chemical recycling LCAs

Rethink Plastic Alliance reviewing four commonly cited life cycle assessments (LCAs) on chemical recycling; report identifies undisclosed data, flawed assumptions, questionable accounting methods; suggests LCAs should not be used for public communication or as the basis for political decision making or investment decisions, should be improved to be “more independent,” “transparent,” “comprehensive”