News Article

Microplastics in fish

New study finds synthetic textile fibers and plastic debris in the guts of fish intended for human consumption

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FPF comment: Canadian pollution prevention notice for plastic food packaging

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on the development of a pollution prevention planning notice for food plastic packaging; FPF highlights aspects of chemical safety and circularity for ECCC to consider; primarily (i) chemical migration, (ii) supporting safe reuse, and (iii) standards for compostable materials

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ECHA strategy report highlights grouping

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes annual report of its Integrated Regulatory Strategy; presents results from recent review of registered substances with annual volumes greater than 100 tons, finds 56% lacking data; grouping approach helping to speed up regulatory actions, improve consistency

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Microplastics in bottled water

New study finds microplastic particles in popular bottled water brands, detects on average 10 larger-sized microplastic particles and over 300 smaller-sized, likely also plastic particles per liter; WHO to launch review of health risks