News Article

Carcinogenicity of ‘cocktails’ highlighted

Series of new studies finds mixtures of everyday non-carcinogenic chemicals to be of concern for causing cancer; individual chemicals present at low levels; opportunity for improvement of chemical risk assessment and primary prevention of cancer

News Article

Thailand proposes draft chemicals law

First draft describes potential structure of chemicals management in the country, mentions development of national chemicals inventory and classification of substances

News Article

Rethinking plastics

European Bioplastics conference 2016 discusses role of bioplastics in the circular economy, efficient waste management, as well as the latest technological innovations

News Article

Perspective: From "forever chemicals" to fluorine-free alternatives

Perspective article in Science argues PFAS substitution is urgently needed due to their persistence, hazards, and recent regulatory actions; avoiding “regrettable substitution” and finding suitable replacements requires a strategic approach; PFAS replacements should have an effective functionality, minimal safety issues, and a minimal environmental footprint; open data sharing can accelerate the discovery, development, and implementation of safer alternatives