News Article

Study finds BPS depresses heart function

Scientists from University of Guleph report bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol A (BPA) able to decrease systolic pressure and rates of contraction and relaxation within minutes of exposure in mice; BPS found to be more potent than BPA, raises concerns about its use as substitute in plastics

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EFSA FCM working group: 6th meeting

Minutes of the 6th meeting of EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on food contact materials now available online; discussion of criteria and tools for prioritizing food contact plastics substances on the Union list that do not have specific migration limits

News Article

Behind the barrier: Complex reality of paper and board packaging functionalization

Dossier discusses potentially misleading “eco-friendly” claims on paper and board packaging, plastic coatings are often used for functionalization: e.g., durability, grease-, water-, and gas -resistance; some alternatives exist but are not yet widely adopted or approved for food contact; recommends prioritizing reusable packaging and enforcing policy changes to eliminate PFAS and misleading marketing claims