News Article

OECD publishes guidance on identifying chemical alternatives

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publication aims to increase agreement on approach and criteria for alternatives selection, set minimum requirements to determine safer substitutes; provides guidance on setting scope, using comparative hazard and exposure assessments, comparing trade-offs; applies framework in example case study

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European Commission hosts workshop to contribute to substitution planning

Report from workshop on “strengthening the role of substitution planning” finds consensus and sticking points on road to REACH revision; broad consensus that industry should be responsible for creating the substitution plans but disagreements on how to assess the plan and monitor implementation; study on substitution planning to be published by the end of 2024

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EU Commission plans EDC hazard classes within CLP

European Commission announces plan to create new hazard classes for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) within the EU’s Classification, Labeling, and Packaging (CLP) Regulation; industry stakeholders criticize decision, call for addressing EDCs via REACH Regulation; civil society groups welcome change; further discussion planned for February 2021

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Stakeholders criticize labeling, terminology of plastic packaging

Greenpeace report finds only 53% of all US material recovery facilities accept polypropylene products, argues they should therefore not be labeled and marketed to consumers as recyclable; bottled water association advocates against the term ‘single-use,’ concerned it confuses consumers and limits recycling

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REACH regulation under scrutiny

European Commission acknowledges unfeasible deadlines; responds to European Ombudsman inquiry about efficiency and transparency concerns; Commission president intends to simplify REACH

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EEA briefing on biodegradable and compostable plastics

European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes report providing on overview of challenges and opportunities; includes introduction to relevant terminology, implications of use, and comparison of existing certifications; calls for clearer labeling and increased campaigns to inform consumers