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BfR statement on bamboo cups and tableware

German institute for risk assessment publishes position statement on melamine-formaldehyde resins, including tableware made with bamboo fibers; warns consumers against using such tableware with hot liquids; recommends lowering specific migration limit of formaldehyde in EU regulation from 15 to 6 mg/kg

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What happens to micro- and nanoplastics in the body?

Study proposes a preliminary physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model for micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs); polymer type, size, shape, surface chemistry, surface biofilms, and biocorona determine toxicokinetic rates; models for engineered nanoparticles are not appropriate due to heterogeneity of MNPs; uptake via inhalation and effects of absorbed chemicals need more investigation

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Update: Foodwatch mineral oil petition

Foodwatch petition against mineral oils in food collects more than 100,000 signatures and is handed to EU Health Commissioner Andriukaitis; MOSH and MOAH contamination found in premium chocolates and doughnuts

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California governor vetoes recycled content bill

Bill AB-792 would have increased the required recycled content of containers in the state to reach 50% by 2030; governor cites concerns about amendments allowing manufacturers to appeal requirement if target not met

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Migration from aluminum food containers

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment finds high release of aluminum ions from uncoated aluminum meal trays into acidic food simulants, recommends using different materials for heated food storage

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NGO criticizes industry nomination for EFSA

DG Sanco nominates FoodDrinkEurope candidate for EFSA management board, Corporate Europe Observatory criticizes industry links of 2014 nominees