News Article

ACC launches pro-BPA campaign

American Chemistry Council campaigns to highlight conclusions of governmental bodies on BPA safety to consumers and manufacturers

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Coca-Cola and PepsiCo leave Plastics Industry Association

Both beverage manufacturers announce departure from industry association; environmental groups condemn association’s policy lobbying to block local plastic packaging bans in U.S., Greenpeace hails announcement as progress

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Food Dive article on resurgence of glass

Article discusses the benefits and shortfalls of glass as a food packaging material, sees glass as viable option for the future as brands commit to recyclable and reusable packaging

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Report focuses on plastics, EDCs, and health

Guide developed by Endocrine Society and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) informs public interest organizations and policy-makers about presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics; explains impacts of EDCs on human health, considers economic dimension

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FDA bottleneck reviewing notifications

U.S. Food and Drug Administration behind in reviewing new food contact notifications; warns companies to submit thorough safety data given limited capacity for any process iterations

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Basel Convention’s “Partnership on Plastic Waste”

International convention announces multi-stakeholder partnership to prevent and improve management of plastic waste, particularly for single-use plastics; focuses on better design of plastics to increase durability, re-usability, avoid hazardous substances