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US FDA developing post-market assessment process for chemicals in food

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developing assessment process for chemicals already on the market; covers food and color additives, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances, food contact chemicals, and non-intentionally added substances; process will be structured based on risk, divided into ‘focused’ and ‘comprehensive’ assessments; informational meeting on the proposal September 25, 2024; public comment period until December 6, 2024

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Recommendations on implementation of EPR

Upstream publishes overview article discussing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, sees recent improvements; views EPR as foundation of circular economy and calls for EPR policies to also focus on developing new reuse/refill systems, include targets for litter prevention and mitigation; advocates for binding reuse targets similar to EU’s recycling targets to create conditions for businesses to safely invest in upscaling reuse

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Global Commitment and Brand Audit reports 2019

New Plastics Economy progress report applauds steps taken by signatories, highlights reductions in virgin plastic use by corporations, new policies introduced by governments; reminds readers much still to be done by 2025; Break Free From Plastic publishes 2019 Brand Audit Report, calls on top brands to reduce single-use plastic items

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REACH: Completeness of registration dossiers

ECHA commits to reevaluating the completeness of REACH substance registrations following a Board of Appeal ruling finding that ECHA has previously failed to adequately do so

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Communicating and reducing SVHC use

EU project survey finds half of companies do not have ready information to respond to consumer requests about substances of very high concern (SVHCs); Swedish Chemicals Agency develops app to improve SVHC communication; Danish report finds current legislation has reduced SVHC use in Nordic countries