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PlasticsEurope report on plastic demand and waste

Industry association’s annual report provides data on Europe’s 2019 demand for plastic and end-of-life management; presents consumption by country, resin type; identifies packaging as greatest demand sector for plastics; finds average European plastics recycling collection rate of 42%

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US states continue to develop local PFAS regulations

Maryland bans intentionally added PFAS in paper and board packaging, disposable plastic gloves by January 2024; Washington State accelerates PFAS Chemical Action Plan, Department of Ecology reported to be hiring more staff to undertake the accelerated timeline; Washingtonians say food related products should be main concern of state’s Safer Products for Washington Program; Vermont considers banning bisphenols in food packaging

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China proposes additions to FCM positive list

China’s National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment opens public consultation on three new substances for use in manufacture of food contact materials (FCMs), expanding the scope of use for three additives

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Measuring trade-offs between packaging waste and food waste

Australian Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Center surveys consumer perceptions of packaging’s role in encouraging or preventing food waste; United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) breaks down results from 33 life cycle analyses comparing packaging and food waste; makes structured recommendations for when packaging or food waste costs are higher based on food type, consumer and regulatory support, and strength of local waste management systems

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Petition calls for US FDA to consider cumulative effects

Coalition requests US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to follow its own mandate to consider cumulative effects of chemicals present during safety assessments; covers chemicals directly added to food, substances migrating from food packaging, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS); finds only 1 of 877 existing GRAS notifications adhered to requirement

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WWF: marine plastic pollution irreversible, strategies needed beyond recycling

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) publishes principles for chemical recycling to avoid harming human health or goals for circular economy; should not compete with mechanical recycling, need transparency about resource consumption; prioritize reduction, reuse over recycling; WWF and Alfred Wegener Institute report on plastics’ impacts on oceans; plastic contamination is permanent; at least 2144 species affected, 99.8% of seabird species will eat plastics by 2050

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JRC weighs in on PPWR reusable packaging debate

European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) case studies favor reusable over single-use packaging in reducing environmental impacts; consumer behavior, washing practices significant factor in footprint of reusables; manufacturing a significant factor for single-use; covers to-go beverage, take-away food, wine bottles, restaurant scenario; performed the study for packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR) policy process; final report expected November 2023