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Stakeholders discuss FCM regulatory evaluation

Discussions at EU Commission stakeholder event call for harmonized regulation of other food contact materials; REACH proposed as potential data source; concerns expressed regarding proposed ‘one-in, one-out’ approach for new laws within incoming Commission

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Terminus and BioICEP address multilayer recycling

Research consortium secures 12 million Euro funding, launches projects in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an Innovation for USes in packaging (Terminus) and The BioInnovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics (BioICEP) ; set goal to solve problems associated with multilayered packaging, transform linear to a circular process

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FDA plans reorganization, monitors PFAS phase-out

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes Human Foods Program, unifying and modernizing certain functions under one program; implementation set for October 1, 2024; FDA is also monitoring PFAS phase-out, with many states implementing bans, and manufacturers switching to non-PFAS alternatives

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EC gathering experts for chemicals strategy

European Commission (EC) announces creation of expert group to support implementation of EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; to be composed of up to 32 members from civil society, scientific, industry, and intergovernmental organizations; applications accepted until March 18, 2021

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Nanoparticles in infant formula

New report by Friends of the Earth reveals presence of engineered nanoparticles in popular U.S. baby formula brands; call for moratorium on food and food packaging containing nanomaterials