News Article

Beyond BPA – Many bisphenols migrate from food packaging

Four studies investigate bisphenol (BP) migration from food packaging and human health effects; demonstrate wide presence of 11 bisphenols in polystyrene take-out food containers from China, Canada, and Poland; report material quality influences BPA migration from polycarbonate cups; indicate higher BPA migration from lined cans than plastic packaging into meat based on probabilistic models; find bisphenols A, F, and S induce genotoxic effects and changes in human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) expression using human blood cells

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Migration of mineral oils and DIPN from paperboard into dry foods

Swiss and Italian researchers publish new study comparing the effect of different testing and storage conditions on migration behavior of MOSH, MOAH and DIPN from paperboard into non-fatty dry foodstuffs. Observed levels of migration were in the part per million (ppm) range (mg/kg food). Migration levels were highest for egg pasta packaged in paperboard and enclosed in an outer polypropylene bag.

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ASEAN guidelines for FCM manufacture and use available online

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) general guidelines for good manufacturing practice of food contact materials (FCMs), the safety and safe use of FCMs within the food industry, and sale of FCMs within ASEAN Member States recently made available online

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Bisphenol S

Bisphenol S is used as a substitute of BPA in food contact materials, in a new context article the Food Packaging Forum reports on applications, toxicity, exposure and regulation of BPS

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3RI publishes guidelines for corporate plastic stewardship

Reduce, Recover, Recycle (3R) Initiative and partners’ Guidelines for Corporate Plastic Stewardship aims to guide companies’ transition toward circular plastics supply chain; outlines pathways to three commitments of increasing ambition: net zero plastic leakage, 100% recycled at end-of-life, and net circular plastic; includes example case study

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Survey: Shoppers prefer safe products

Safer Chemicals Healthy Families surveys consumers to understand their view on toxic chemicals in products; observes strong preference for ‘safe and healthy products free of dangerous chemicals’

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FPF improves usability of brand and retailer initiatives database

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) updates global database of initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers concerning food packaging safety and sustainability; database now presented as an interactive dashboard searchable by company name, type of organization, location, keywords, and date; currently contains nearly 600 actions pledged or undertaken by over 320 companies