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Updated draft of German mineral oil ordinance

German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture proposes requiring use of a functional barrier in food contact materials containing recycled paper; exemptions can be granted by demonstrating migration below 0.5 mg MOAH/kg food or 0.15 mg MOAH/kg food simulant; comments accepted until November 18, 2020

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Tenax film for migration experiments

Scientists develop Tenax film as a more convenient alternative to Tenax powder to be used as dry foods simulant in migration experiments; migration into film is lower than into powder, offers more realistic estimation of migration into food

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Study finds microplastics harm immune cells

Researchers at University Medical Center Utrecht observe that immune cell death rate triples after contact with microplastics; presents results at Plastic Health Summit in Amsterdam on October 3, 2019

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Recycling of black plastics

UK plastics producer, retailers, recycler collaborate to recycle black PET trays from mixed waste household collection into new food grade packaging