News Article

Regulatory challenges abound for hazardous chemicals in the EU

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) report outlines four key challenge areas concerning chemicals regulation in the EU; discusses protection against most harmful chemicals, particularly those inducing neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption; underscores the need for data transparency and a “lack of comprehensive information on many substances”, particularly polymers

Events Webinar

Putting the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability into action: Looking forward

Fourth webinar in the Food Packaging Forum’s Spring 2021 series on challenges and opportunities for food contact materials (FCMs) within the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS); presentations focus on implementing the CSS including how to deal with complexity and improve EU FCM regulation

News Article

Microplastic impacts on child health: knowns and unknowns

Scientific commentary discusses pregnancy- and child-relevant exposure to and impacts of nano- and microplastics: finds 37 studies mostly on plastic particles in food and placental transfer, identifies major knowledge gaps, and advocates policymakers and industry to implement precautionary approaches; Nature Reviews Materials article proposes microplastic risk assessment framework

News Article

Scientists see need for better coordination with policymakers

Co-author of Science publication discusses need to establish an international science-policy interface body for chemicals and waste management, would provide information how to reduce levels of harmful chemicals, improve communication between science and politics, cover more substances; asks scientific community to support proposal

News Article

Studies investigate impacts of EDC exposure during pregnancy

Five studies examine effects following exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during pregnancy; report association between bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and preterm birth and decreased gestational age, especially upon exposure in third trimester of pregnancy; find contradicting results on fetal growth impacts from BPA; intake of synthetic progesterone by pregnant women found to double cancer risk of their offspring; propylparaben exposure found to alter mammary gland structure in mice

News Article

Thresholds for non-intentional PFAS in recycled food packaging

Researches from Iowa State University publish study measuring limits of performance of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) concentrations in recycled paper food packaging; propose thresholds to define non-intentionally added PFAS for regulatory applications

News Article

South Korea implementing deposit scheme for disposable cups

South Korean Ministry of Environment announces disposable cups from chain cafes and fast-food restaurants will have 300 KRW deposit beginning June 10, 2022; applies to chains with more than 100 branches, 38,000 stores total; plan includes production standards for plastic and paper cups to ensure recyclability; part of South Korea’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal

News Article

Germany announces intention to restrict bisphenols

Restriction intention submitted to European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); aims to limit bisphenol A (BPA) and structurally similar bisphenols to maximum concentration of 0.02% by weight as additives, residues, and in mixtures; stakeholders invited to submit relevant information; proposal to be finalized in October 2021