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ACC: Manufacturers do develop test data

American Chemistry Council responds to government report on EPA’s progress in chemical evaluation, deems report partially inaccurate

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Drinking water source and human antimony levels

A study published in the scientific peer-reviewed Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology assessed human exposure to antimony. Antimony concentrations measured in people showed no conclusive association with drinking water sources, even though antimony is used in PET bottles. Levels in women were higher indicating the need for additional research into possible sex-specific effects.

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Report focuses on plastics, EDCs, and health

Guide developed by Endocrine Society and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) informs public interest organizations and policy-makers about presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics; explains impacts of EDCs on human health, considers economic dimension

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Mapping microplastics in the male reproductive system

Study provides an in-depth look at microplastics in the male reproductive system, analyzes human and mouse samples to chart concentrations and polymer types; finds microplastics in all human testes samples and majority of semen samples; larger plastic particles may get trapped in testis, leading to higher concentrations; identifies correlation between urbanization, home-cooked meals, and body scrub used to microplastics concentration

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Microplastics, seafood and human health

Greenpeace UK releases report on microplastics in seafood; compiles most recent academic research; recommends banning mircobeads and generally applying precautionary principle

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Many questions surround microplastics, what about micro(bio)plastics?

Literature review of micro- and nano(bio)plastics research; scrutinizes the complexities of micro- and nano(bio)plastics degradation and their toxicological effects; highlights gaps in long-term impact studies and interactions with environmental conditions; challenges the assumption that «biodegradable» means complete degradation; calls for greater transparency in research practices to bolster collective understanding

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WHO report on microplastics in drinking water

Microplastics do not currently pose human health risk in drinking water according to World Health Organization; studies however seen as limited and often unreliable; calls for standardization of analysis methods and minimization of plastic pollution