News Article

EFSA publishes slides from BPA stakeholder meeting

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes presentation slides from stakeholder meeting on the re-evaluation of bisphenol A (BPA); EFSA scientists and other BPA working group members describe the re-evaluation process and reasons for suggesting the tolerable daily intake of BPA be lowered significantly

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Microplastic effects on colon cells, blood lymphocytes, and gut-liver axis

Two in vitro studies analyze plastic particle effects using human cells; find polystyrene (PS) particles change metabolism of human colon cells similar to a carcinogen; PS nanoplastics may have cytotoxic and genotoxic potential on human blood lymphocytes; mouse study indicates microplastics increase risk of insulin resistance; researchers calculate particle ingestion from takeaway containers

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EFSA risk assessment of MOAH in infant formula

Rapid risk assessment uses data submitted by member states, previous Foodwatch study; finds 95th percentile exposure of 0.8 to 44.6 µg/kg body weight per day; lack of data leads EFSA to conclude possible concern for human health