News Article

India: Stronger recycled plastic rules after push back, new EPR program

India implements extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for plastic packaging, effective immediately; recycling targets for plastic producers, importers, and brand-owners start at 25% and progressively get stricter; Indian standards authority strengthens regulations for recycled plastic in food contact after receiving pushback

News Article

Sweden launches nano-register

Swedish Chemicals Agency issues new rules for mandatory reporting of nanomaterials data to national products register; rules apply from January 1, 2018; deadline for data submission is February 2019

News Article

US state policies on PFAS in food contact, Q3 and Q4 2023

Maine and Minnesota consult on draft policies concerning bans or reporting requirements on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food contact materials and articles; California Attorney General warns companies of penalties for selling or failing to disclose PFAS-containing food packaging and cookware; Nevada governor vetoes PFAS bill, state senator plans to reintroduce bill in 2024