News Article

Phthalates found in 'mac and cheese'

Phthalates found in 29 out of 30 tested U.S. cheese products; concentrations higher in processed compared to unprocessed cheeses; highest phthalate content found in powdered cheese from ‘mac and cheese’ ready meals

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Alternatives to perfluorinated chemicals

New study reviews environmental releases, persistence and exposure of perfluorinated chemical alternatives, looks at 20 fluorinated substances including eight used in FCMs

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Nano risk governance model project

Horizon 2020 funded project launched focusing on developing a nano risk governance model, aims to explore upcoming tools and approaches as well as support prioritization and harmonization of practices among stakeholders

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EPA puts LVE submissions for PFAS on hold

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces new strategy for reviewing and managing low volume exemption (LVE) requests of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) before they can enter the market; puts pending and new submissions for PFAS on hold, strives for more thorough review, wants to work with companies on voluntary withdrawals

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NGO petitions German government to ban plastic packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables

Civil society organization Foodwatch Germany is petitioning the German government to follow the lead of France and Spain in banning plastic packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables; claims ban would save more than 60,000 tons of plastic waste; French ban went into effect January 2022, Spain plans ban for 2023, Foodwatch petitions Germany for ban by 2026