News Article

Oligomers in PEF polyester

Scientists find ‘abundant’ oligomers in polyethylene furanoate, identify 20 circular and linear oligomer species sized <1000 Da; exact quantities of migrating oligomers to be determined in future investigations

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EDCs and manufacturing doubt

Prominent EDC researchers publish rebuttal to critique of WHO/UNEP State of the Science 2012 report, accuse industry-funded scientists to deliberately confuse non-experts to delay regulatory action

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European investors sign letter for a strong PPWR

European investors call for stronger Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR); advocate for robust regulations for a sustainable future; strong regulation can increase confidence and reduce financial risks

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Report advocates for improving chemical recycling LCAs

Rethink Plastic Alliance reviewing four commonly cited life cycle assessments (LCAs) on chemical recycling; report identifies undisclosed data, flawed assumptions, questionable accounting methods; suggests LCAs should not be used for public communication or as the basis for political decision making or investment decisions, should be improved to be “more independent,” “transparent,” “comprehensive”